2012年11月18日 星期日



台灣 澎湖 金門 馬祖,我也想要說我們 "都是一家人,是不可分割的"。當然於法於理,這麼說,遠比對岸那個政權的胡說八道來得合理太多,但過分拿那個框框硬是圈住所有人的意識型態,豈不是跟那個死要面子 大到可以囂張跋扈的惡霸一樣令人厭惡?  全世界都一樣,地域意識已經超越國家意識超越民族意識,我們互相尊重彼此,好好經營自己的土地,不要強加自己的價值觀在別人身上。只是,有點無奈,所有正式事務上的運作,必須仰賴一個合法的國家名號。而她,永遠不會是中華人民共和國。

絕大部分的情況下,我說我是台灣人, 是Taiwanese,我永遠以身為台灣人為傲!少部分情況我會說中華民國。我會說我是華人,但我不說我是中國人,因為不只台灣人覺得,外國人更認為中國=中華人民共和國。當我說出中國人三個字的時候,是不包括台灣人的。只是,有點無奈,華人,中國人,這兩個字在英文是同一個,Chinese。

2012年7月28日 星期六


也不知道是從什麼時候開始,"跨界" 或 "跨領域" 開始如同台灣以往任何一個新詞彙轉瞬間變成大家都要來說上兩句的潮流象徵一般,開始淪為這種不求甚以至於誤用濫用的特有文化下的犧牲品。'文創'是一例,'設計思考'將會是一例,而在這些之前,'設計'也許老早就是一例了。好比當年葡式蛋塔登台,廣受好評,結果一夕間全台開了一大堆蛋塔店,打著同樣葡式蛋塔名號,用料與做工參差不齊,熱潮會過是自然的,但大量劣質的複製品才是加速大眾對其失去興趣的主因。有的時候我們希望推廣一些觀念一些想法,但要是激起的是歪七扭八的倒影,那卻會是扼殺掉真正價值的殺手,這些美好的初衷也會很快被埋葬掉。


如果你真的去看看那些涉足多個領域的人們,他們唯一共通的特質,大概就都只是因為他們喜歡,加上一點機緣,所以做了那些不同的事。如果你問他,為什麼做這些不同領域的事,大概說來說去就是 ' 因為我喜歡想嘗試 ' 加上 ' 剛好有個機會 ' 的意思。所以,如果你沒有那個心,就不要想東做西做,它不會成就你,也不會替你加分,你不可能內化不是打從你心裡真正想做的事。真要說一個人在不同領域間跳躍的影響在哪裡,大概就是回到特定領域裡的時候,比較會有不一樣的觀點,也比較有包容心,同時可能比較謙虛,做事比較大器,格局比較開闊,觀點比較全面一點。而這方面的特質,我相信是可以透過不同領域的人之間對話而開始刺激起的。

專心投入在自己的領域裡不好嗎?當然沒有不好,好得很! 這個社會其實需要更多好好專心在自己專業上的人,是因為這些人的專注才得以讓事情達到好的品質。不過這世界的複雜度進化的比以前都快,很多新的專業可能是以前兩三個專業的結合,或,更多專業領域開始有密不可分的合作甚至整合的需要。所以個人不用什麼都會,但要是對其他領域多點認知,鐵定能讓自己所長更有所發揮,也能讓自己更清楚不同情況下自己該扮演的角色。所以,透過不同領域之間的對話,學習自己想學的,也意識到自己缺乏的,大概只有好處沒有壞處吧。


2012年7月14日 星期六

Waz up!


好一段時間沒寫文章了,並不是沒事情可寫,而是太多事情在做。離開GSD後在荷蘭實習了半年,三月底回台灣,一邊找非建築的短期實習外,一邊計畫設計跨界這個玩意兒。今年,在八月底回美國繼續學業前,給了自己一個目標,就是把設計跨界(now renamed: XD crossdesign跨設計) "正式"的運作起來,包括網站( 先從共同部落格開始) 以及八月的分享會(這次將把往後活動都定性定調)。這次是玩真的了,不是去年一時興起的同樂會了。坦白說,我們還在尋找夥伴,一些真正志同道合的朋友,對台灣設計產業有批判有憤慨同時又有洞見有積極樂觀態度而且想法和我們類似的朋友(到目前為止...超難!!),這是長程目標,夥伴不用多,人對了才重要,大概跟創業一樣。只不過這件事目前不打算營利,只存在必要的運作金流,對自己來說還真是不小的挑戰(好弱)。
順便一提,今年八月5, 12, 19號的分享會,滿值得期待的,但請不要以為會是有去有保庇的追星大拜拜,或是雅痞群聚的小花小草小情趣 (如果最後是這兩者,請揍我)。至於細節,近期會公布了,請容我在此賣個關子。

Roy @ Shanghai

2012年2月4日 星期六

You Deserve A Garbage Skyscraper!

Monument of Civilization: Vertical Landfill for Metropolises

Thanks to Anne Schmidt for the inspiration...

Skyscraper is always considered more as an icon, a statue, a representation of wealth, a proof of advanced technology, anything but a reasonable form of space for mankind's living. Underlying our claim to purpose new urban typology, compact/mixed use of vertical space and so forth are our greediness and arrogance. Most of the cases, we build towers for towers' sake.

From super-tall to mega-tall, it's all about being spectacular. But we do have something spectacular already, something all cities shared; something could be even more magnificent if we put them in display. Our waste-an outcome of our daily consumptions- is produced in amazingly great amount every second everywhere and can be seen as the representation of our civilization. New York, for instance, if we put its annual garbage on a area of a typical tower footprint, we'll get a 1300 meters high landfill tower, which is about as three times tall as the Empire State Tower(450M). Isn't that spectacular? Furthermore, a large portion of our garbage is non-recyclable and will last for hundreds or even thousands of years, they are to be the greatest material for the monument, if the monument is to let our descendants to memorize (or to mourn) our own civilization.

But this Monument of Civilization isn’t all that ironic. It meets certain demands of a city. Firstly, our cities, specially the big ones, had suffered from shortage of landfill for the last decades. While the cities grew bigger, we had less land and farther “outskirt” for garbage dumping. Vertical landfill should solve this problem. Landfills should go vertical like buildings do, since they are both in direct proportion to population growth. Secondly, the accumulation of waste actually creates potential energy-recycle such as gas emission during erosion. When the gas is recollected from the vertical landfill, it can generate power and be reused in the city. Putting the Monument in the center of the city allows it to benefit the city directly and also save the cost from transporting garbage outside the city. Lastly, the Monument can be seen as the city’s Earth-Friendliness measure meter. The lower the tower is, or the slower it grows, the more earth-friendly the city is. The ever-growing Monument may evoke the citizens’ introspection and somewhat leads to the entire city’s waste-decreasing and better recycling. Perhaps all metropolitan cities would inverse the worldwide competition from competing being the “tallest” to being the “shortest”.

The architecture of the Monument is very simple. The underground parts are recycle processing, waste-water processing, gas and power stations, temporary dump, and wasted water tank. The upper part (tower) consists of garbage brick wall, recycled energy transmission layers, and vertical solid-waste tank enclosed by the garbage brick wall. The site is not specific, but is purposed to be put in the center of the city. Take New York for example, it is suggested to be put in the most popular spot: Times Square, for its purpose- as being a monument- of being most viewed.

Every city should has one garbage skyscraper to solve landfill shortage, to feed one's vanity of height, and to remark mankind's icronic civilization. Enjoy!

©2012 Roy Lin