2013年3月25日 星期一

Portfolio(s) of mine

My Portfolio v4: Extreme & Reverse is perhaps the best description of the way in which the works were approached. Constantly reversing and stretching an idea to extreme is the way to construct an argument, which later on evolves into a project. 

My previous portfolio v3: If City Is Generic. The title and the very first few pages of it illustrated my understanding of generic cities. If City Is Generic, its because of its unpredictability and its rapid changes. Its because of its "bigness" and "fuck context" that architecture liberates itself from everything else. In order to correspond this genericity, architecture can not but to be thought inwardly. temporarily, and sometimes, in some people's eye, evilly. (This portfolio was to apply OMA internship in 2011)

My Portfolio v2, which didn't have a name, was my second portfolio for GSD application. There was little consistent idea underlying the projects, yet they were all holistically and somewhat proudly presented. I realized the layout of every page was very stupid and limiting while I finished almost half of it. I saw other people having similar layouts after me, I suppose they felt the same regret as I did on their half-ways...

I was too busy to put my first portfolio on ISSUU, but I'd really love to and I will upload it asap. As I was uploading all these, I thought the first one would be embarrassing to share. But as I read it again, I realized the fact that I was indeed a clever boy :-D, the only reason why it didn't help me get into GSD was probably that it was awfully organized, and the layout and style was boring. Some of the very great ideas and diagrams of those projects had been forgotten since then, what a pity~

Anyways, it's fun to lay them all on the table and flip through. Hope you all enjoying flipping them. I like this small embedded  ISSUU toy.  : )

