2013年7月23日 星期二

Reminder: 自立 以求影響力

Words for a really good friend- E:
" Many, or most social-value driven entrepreneurs thought about "non-profit" as their first choice of format to engage in actions relate to this subject, probably thinking: it's OK not to make money as long as what I do provides justified value. Well, the majority of them didn't become providers but rather dependents of providers. I have always offered my students an important advice: Once you wished to become someone who creates social value, first thing to avoid is to becoming a social problem.
We all have dreams, but we have to be standing firm in reality first! "

對,要創造價值,要有影響力,必須有方法,必須讓自己強壯,有聲音,有自主性。或許我不是很喜歡 "social enterprise社會企業" 這個詞本身,也許就像我也討厭"文創", "創意", 甚至 "跨界" 這些被不加思索理解以至於偏頗解讀的詞一樣。但我相當同意背後的意思。
我這麼渴望的事情,我得有一些更聰明的做法。別讓自己失望了。 加油~

